
Monday 27 January 2014

Reading Text 3

Get the readers’ attention
Especially with newspaper and printed ads that are competing with other ads
on the same page it is imperative that you get the readers attention. You can
accomplish this not only by color and size but also by having an eye-catching
headline. Possible ways to develop this headline would be to determine
your product’s or services unique selling proposition. Why would the reader
want to purchase what you are selling over a competing product? Another
possibility could be to list a unique benefit or solution in the headline that
your product/service offers. Use action words when appropriate. Bottom line
is that it should be compelling enough to cause the reader to want to read
further for more information.
  1. Especially
    Pronunciation/ Meaning
  2. Competing
    Pronunciation/ Meaning
  3. Ads (advertisement)
    Pronunciation/ Meaning
  4. Imperative :
    Pronunciation/ Meaning
  5. Attention
    Pronunciation/ Meaning
  6. Accomplish
    Pronunciation/ Meaning
  7. Headline 
    Pronunciation/ Meaning
  8. Possible 
    Pronunciation/ Meaning
  9. Develop 
    Pronunciation/ Meaning
  10. Determine 
    Pronunciation/ Meaning
  11. Service 
    Pronunciation/ Meaning
  12. Unique 
    Pronunciation/ Meaning
  13. Preposition 
    Pronunciation/ Meaning
  14. Purchase 
    Pronunciation/ Meaning
  15. Competing 
    Pronunciation/ Meaning
  16. Possibility 
    Pronunciation/ Meaning
  17. Offer
    Pronunciation/ Meaning
  18. Appropriate 
    Pronunciation/ Meaning
  19. Button
    Pronunciation/ Meaning
  20. Further       
    Pronunciation/ Meaning

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