
Tuesday 28 January 2014

Reading Text 4

Get the Reader to Take Action

The call to action is one of the weakest components of many ads that we all
see today. You must lead the reader to what the next step should be. Show
them how easy it is to contact you or purchase your offering. Post your toll-free
number. Show your address. If you have a web site have an order now
page with easy credit card billing. Mention your satisfaction guarantee if
you have one that will help minimize your customer’s perceived risk of
purchasing your product or service. Use action phrases like “Don’t delay
order now” or “don’t miss another day of (product benefit), order now”.

  1. Action : Pronunciation/ meaning
  2. Component : Pronunciation/ meaning
  3. Lead  : Pronunciation/ meaning
  4. Show : Pronunciation/ meaning
  5. Contact : Pronunciation/ meaning
  6. Address : Pronunciation/ meaning
  7. Page : Pronunciation/ meaning
  8. Billing : Pronunciation/ meaning
  9. Satisfaction : Pronunciation/ meaning
  10. Guarantee : Pronunciation/ meaning
  11. Minimize : Pronunciation/ meaning
  12. Perceived : Pronunciation/ meaning
  13. Risk : Pronunciation/ meaning
  14. Phrase : Pronunciation/ meaning
  15. Delay : Pronunciation/ meaning
  16. Another : Pronunciation/ meaning
  17. Benefit  : Pronunciation/ meaning

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